Haynes Park, Bedfordshire
Haynes Park, Bedfordshire
LUMA were commissioned by Twelve Architects & Masterplanners to produce a series of high end visuals as part of a successful planning permission to Central Bedfordshire Council & Bedford Borough Council for a visually striking new assembly building for the Science of the Soul multi-faith community and mindfulness organisation.
The form of the building takes inspiration from the natural characteristics of Bedfordshire’s Greensand Ridge. It will be planted with a green sedum roof that will create a biodiverse landscape and enhancement to Haynes Park.
The new building, will have space for up to 25,000 people and sits within the grounds of the Grade 1 listed Haynes Park House in Bedfordshire. It will take the form of a shallow dome with a clear span of 162.5m, making it the largest clear span structure of its kind in the UK and within the top 30 worldwide.

'It is a pleasure to build on our longstanding collaboration with Luma across a series of projects to create these visuals for Haynes Park. They have a can-do attitude and a very personable work ethic and capture the spirit of our designs in their visuals.'
- Matt Cartwright - Founding Director of Twelve Architects and Masterplanners